Dog Houses That Need Mortgages

I’m feeling rather guilty because my dog Penny doesn’t have a dog bed. She basically sleeps at my feet or on the ottoman where I want to put my feet.


I was hoping to find a little dog house bed for Penny and I discovered a whole world of dog houses and beds that were beautifully designed, pricey and fun to look at.

Pup Tent by Slade Architecure

Pup Tent by Slade Architecture

Slade Architecture’s Pup Tent is the brain child of design team Haynes and James Slade whose work has been exhibited in the Venice Biennale, the National Building Museum, the Museum of Modern Art, The German Architecture Museum and many other galleries and institutions in Europe, Asia and the United States. Dwell magazine featured the Pup Tent last February.

Tennis Ball Dog Bed

The tennis ball dog bed by Hugh Hayden Design is a delightful visual pun that also works well for a sleeping dog. Hayden’s dog beds come in two sizes, large for $850 and small for $400. Hayden is an architect, artist and designer from Dallas, Texas and is based in New York City. His own dog, Dorango, is his beloved Ibizan Hound. Hayden does not stop at making only dog beds out of recycled tennis balls, he makes an entire line of furniture.  Check out his tennis ball table which runs about $3000.

Tennis Ball Table by Hugh Hayden Design

At $850, a dog can live out her dreams of being a prima donna. Now your little Fifi can live and sleep in a dog bed called the Operetta Pet Lounge from Switch Modern.

Operetta Dog Lounge

I don’t know if a Great Dane would fit into these curved plywood beds, but Glenn Ross’ Vurv designs make me want to have a dog just so that I can have one in my house. The Ellipse Dog bed sells for $899 and the Curved bed sells for about $650.

Ellipse Dog Bed

Curved Dog Bed by Glenn Ross

Okay, so I hate to say it, but I can’t help myself and I know you’re waiting for it: Being in the dog house is no longer what it once was. With the new designs in dog beds, the only thing you’ll need is a mortgage. There.

Last but not least, I am going to give you an adorable sleeping puppy video. Nighty night.